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S01E05 6


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:7,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Meet me at the mall after school.
- What about your mother-in-law? - I'll think of something.

- [Juanita] Gabrielle! Gabrielle! - Coming!

A donation? Now Barcliff wants a donation?

Apparently we're in competition with one other family.

A generous donation will ensure our kids beat'em out.

- How generous? - 1 5 thousand.

- We don't have that. - That's what I told them.

So what will we do? Public school is out unless we move to a new district.

We're not moving.

Maybe it's time that we look into home schooling.

- I know you did not just say that. - Honey, it's got its advantages.

Kids at home school do better in their later years.

They won't make it if I have to spend all day with them.

Honey, sometimes you've just got to make the sacrifice.

It's probably best for the kids.

Let's put them back in me and cook them until they're civilized.

You'd be cool with that?

- I've never had plum pudding before. - I'm serving it for Christmas.

I like to try out new recipes before the actual holiday.

That way, if the cookbook's gotten it wrong, I can fix it.

You must really like Christmas.

You and Mr. Van De Kamp always have the best decorations.

I adore the holidays.

I never get depressed if there's a decorated tree.

My mom and I would always decorate our tree together.

- This Christmas is gonna be weird. - Oh, Zach.

You know, my mother died when I was young. She was hit by a car.


It was right before Christmas, as a matter of fact.

We were all singing carols and the dog was howling

because everybody in my family sings off-key except for me.

Anyway, it was a terrible ruckus.

So no one noticed when my mother went out to give the neighbors a gift.

The next thing we heard were brakes screeching.


Most of my family went to the hospital

but I stayed home because I was so young.

When I looked out the window I saw my mother's blood on the street

and nobody was doing anything about it.

So I got a hose and I washed it off.

And once it was clean, I felt so much better.

I've never told anyone that story before.

Those are the most interesting ones. The stories that we never tell anyone.

Yeah. You're probably right.

I have one.

It's more of a secret really.

I know why my mom killed herself.

- You do? - It was something I did.

Something bad.

What did you do, Zach?

- Zach. Sweetheart. - No. I shouldn't have said anything.

- lf my dad found out... - I won't tell your father!

- I can't get you involved. - Zachary, it's all right!

What else did Zach tell you?

Just that Mary Alice killed herself because of something he'd done.

- You couldn't get any more out of him? - He was so nervous.

He started shaking then he just left.

OK, I think we should go to the police.

And tell them what? We don't even have the note any more.

You have to get Zach to tell you something so we have more to go on.

You don't understand. This poor kid is scared out of his mind.

Bree, you're a woman. Manipulate him. That's what we do.

- But how? - How did you usually manipulate Rex?

Hello, Zachary. Are you free for dinner tonight?


Oh, good. Because last night you put me in such a holiday mood.

I'm gonna make roast turkey and candy yams and eggnog.

Have you ever had real, old-fashioned eggnog?

- I don't think so. - You are gonna love it.

It has quite a kick.


- Preston! - Boys, could you stop...

[boys shout]

Lynette was desperate to avoid home schooling.

But she saw no options on the horizon.


sacrifice [ˈsækrɪfaɪs] n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉 vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售 vi. 献祭;奉献 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :4068}

manipulate [məˈnɪpjuleɪt] vt. 操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4248}

depressed [dɪˈprest] adj. 沮丧的;萧条的;压低的 v. 使沮丧;使萧条(depress的过去式和过去分词形式);压低 {toefl gre :4268}

donation [dəʊˈneɪʃn] n. 捐款,捐赠物;捐赠 {toefl ielts :4336}

decorations [dekə'reɪʃəns] n. 装饰品(decoration的复数);装修 {ielts :4554}

brakes [brek] n. [机][车辆] 刹车(brake的复数);[机] 制动;刹车系统 v. [机][车辆] 刹车(brake的第三人称单数);打碎 { :4693}

pudding [ˈpʊdɪŋ] n. 布丁 {cet4 cet6 :5387}

carols [ˈkærəlz] n. 颂歌;欢乐的歌(carol的复数) v. 欢唱(carol的三单形式) { :5731}

hose [həʊz] n. 软管;长筒袜;男性穿的紧身裤 vt. 用软管浇水;痛打 {cet6 ky ielts :6226}

rex [reks] n. 雷克斯(男子名);国王;君主 { :6769}

civilized [ˈsɪvəlaɪzd] adj. 文明的;有礼貌的 v. 教化;使…文明;启发(civilize的过去分词) { :7204}

sweetheart [ˈswi:thɑ:t] n. 爱人;心上人 vt. 向…求爱;与…恋爱 vi. 爱慕;恋爱 adj. 私下签订的;私下达成的 n. (Sweetheart)人名;(英)斯威特哈特 { :7213}

plum [plʌm] n. 李子;梅子;洋李;紫红色 adj. 人所希望的;有利的;上等的 n. (Plum)人名;(德、西)普卢姆;(英)普拉姆 { :7666}

roast [rəʊst] n. 烤肉;烘烤 adj. 烘烤的;烤过的 vt. 烤,焙;烘,烘烤;暴露于某种热力下以得温暖 vi. 烤;烘 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :7679}

adore [əˈdɔ:(r)] vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢 vi. 崇拜;爱慕 n. (Adore)人名;(法)阿多尔 {gk cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7705}

howling [ˈhaʊlɪŋ] n. 啸鸣 adj. 咆哮的;极大的;哭哭啼啼的 v. 咆哮(howl的ing形式) { :8380}

screeching [sk'ri:tʃɪŋ] n. 尖叫;[动力] 发动机啸声 v. 发出尖利刺耳的声音(screech的ing形式) { :11918}

yams ['jæmz] n. 薯蓣( yam的名词复数 ); 山药; 甘薯; 白薯 { :14670}

ruckus [ˈrʌkəs] n. 骚动;喧闹 { :19870}

eggnog [ˈegnɒg] n. 蛋酒 { :26599}

LF [ ] [计] 换行, 低频 [医] 絮凝单位, 絮凝限度 { :30107}

zachary ['zækәri] n. 圣扎迦利(等于Zacharias, Saint);扎卡里(男子名) { :47681}

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

mother-in-law ['mʌðər ɪn lɔ:] n. 岳母;婆母

off-key [ˈɔ:fˈki:, ˈɔf-] adj. 不和谐的;走音的;不恰当的 {gre :0}

old-fashioned [ˈəuldˈfæʃənd] adj. 老式的;过时的;守旧的

a hose [ ] [网络] 水管

a kick [ ] [网络] 一脚反冲;丹佛锁扣

at the mall [ ] [网络] 逛街购物;在购物街;在购物中心

except for [ikˈsept fɔ:] na. 只有 [网络] 除了;除…之外;除了……之外

fix it [ ] na. 处理 [网络] 修复;搞定它;修补道路

holiday mood [ ] na. 欢悦的心情 [网络] 假期心情;假期情绪;假日心情

on the horizon [ɔn ðə həˈraizən] na. 在地平线上 [网络] 在那地平线上;即将来临的;刚刚冒出地平线

plum pudding [plʌm ˈpudiŋ] na. 葡萄干布丁 [网络] 李子布丁;干果布丁;洋梅布丁

roast turkey [rəust ˈtə:ki] n. 【食】烤火鸡 [网络] 烧火鸡;烤火鸡肉;烤鸡

scare out [ ] na. (将猎物)吓出来;(将钱财)敲诈出来;得到;张罗 [网络] 筹措;把…吓出来;威逼某人说出

scare out of [ ] vt.吓得不敢做

the horizon [ ] [网络] 地平线;天边;地平线图片

The Mall [ ] [网络] 林荫大道;林荫路;购物中心

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用